- Stage Left, (Divided Navy, Double Swipe Number 1), oil and industrial filler on canvas, 2015, 213 x 198cm
- Stage Left, (Divided Navy, Double Swipe Number 2), oil and industrial filler on canvas, 2015, 213 x 198cm
- Stage Left, (Divided Navy Single Swipe Number 4), oil and industrial filler on canvas, 2015, 213 x 198cm
- Stage Left, (Divided Navy, Tripe Swipe), oil and industrial filler on canvas, 2015, 213 x 198cm
- Cue, oil and industrial filler on canvas, 2015, 213 x 198cm
- Untitled, oil and industrial filler on canvas, 2015, 230 x 174cm
- "I & I", Kunsthalle Winterthur 2015.
- "I & I", Kunsthalle Winterthur 2015.
- "I & I", Kunsthalle Winterthur 2015.
- A is for Anarchy, installation at Kunsthalle Winterthur. Wall painting with two-channel sound recording.
- A is for Anarchy, installation at Kunsthalle Winterthur. Wall painting with two-channel sound recording.
- A is for Anarchy, installation at Kunsthalle Winterthur. Wall painting with two-channel sound recording.