Unreal City, Saatchi Gallery

Unreal City; Abstract Painting in London, Saatchi Gallery London.…

Gifts from the Future; Selections from the Carolyn Glasoe Bailey Foundation Collection

Gifts from the Future; Selections from the Carolyn Glasoe Bailey Foundation Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara…

There Goes the Neighbourhood, Indigo+Madder

There Goes the Neighbourhood, Indigo + Madder, London…

What Now, PM/AM

What Now?, PM/AM Gallery, London…

Abstract Hallelujah, Lundgren Gallery

Abstract Hallelujah, Lundgren Gallery, Palma Mallorca…

Slow Burn, Indigo plus Madder

Slow Burn, Indigo + Madder, London…

Offering, cur. by Fynn Leitch, Art Gallery of Peterborough, Ontario…

When You Waked Up the Buffalo

When You Waked Up the Buffalo, cur. by Ben Lee Ritchie Handler, Nicodim Gallery, LA…

A Tapered Teardrop, Terrace Gallery London

A Tapered Teardrop, Terrace Gallery, London…

The Inhuman/Difficult Transition

The Inhuman/Difficult Transition, cur. by Andrea Medjesi-Jones, Thames-Side Studios, London…